Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tour: Making Light of Being Heavy

Making Light of Being Heavy
Publication Date: April 10, 2009
Pages: 92
Genre: Memoir/self-help
My Rating:

In this book, Kandy Siahaya tells us her story. She's overweight and happy. She is happy with who she is in life. She wants the reader to know, that her weight isn't what makes her. Which I think is great advice. I think we often put to much of our happiness into our weight. Kandy shares with us that she has always been heavy. She is honest about her weight. She was honest about where her weight was when ending this book. She explained all the things that happened in her life that could have led up to some of her weight game, however the main thing I admired that Kandy did, was not blame that on her weight gain. The author is someone who really is completely comfortable with herself and it was refreshing to read.

She often called herself an expert at diets. Even thought those diets might not have worked, she tried them all. She went into great detail in the book about each diet. She explained what was needed to do these diets also. It will definitely be helpful if I choose one of those diets for myself. She lays out an exercise plans, yet makes fun of it. Explaining how some of these exercises are unrealistic for someone who is big.

This is a refreshing read. Kandy has a catching tone to her book. She is extremely positive and it shines off the pages with her humor. If your heavy, or even if your not, this is a great book just to have. So check it out, you won't be sorry.

**This book was provided to me by the author/publisher in return for my honest opinion.**

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