Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Nurse Vaccine (Kids Book)

Nurse Vaccine is a book written by Justin Noble and is part of a series called The Body Village.  In this book, you have very cute characters who are each a different body part; Steven Stomach, Raymond Brain and so on.The book focus's on this time of year when its time to start getting the flu vaccine. Each body part expresses why they don't want to get the shot. After that, Raymond Brain  reminds them of when they were sick last year and how they felt. The body parts then all agree to get the shot and that's when Nurse Vaccine enters. She explains that yes the shot will hurt for just a moment, but then the pain goes away quickly and we get to be healthy. Each body part gets there shot and then they celebrate.

My kids really did enjoy this story. I have a 3 year old and 6 year old and they were very engrossed in this. My son who reads was able to read along with me and found the vocabulary very easy. I was very impressed with the book and it will be one we keep for just this time of year.

To learn more about this book, visit My Body Village and learn about the different books in the series. Also, there is a free download (as of 9/15/10) of this very book! So, go check out the site and if you have kids or work with kids in the schools or pediatric offices, this would be an excellent book to ad to your current collection.

**I received this book from Bostick Communications for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review only my opinion on this book.**

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