Friday, September 17, 2010

BBAW--Future Treasures (Day 5)

Its the last day of Book Blogger Appreciation Week. This was my first year attending this event, as I just started my book blog in May. I have found some great new blogs that have similar reading styles as mine through this event. I have even come across some books that I had to add to my TBR pile.

Being a new blogger still to the scene, I still have goals for my blog. I love reviewing my own books and I have been fortunate on The Book Blogs to find some great books to review from review companies. I hope in the next year my list of followers continues to grow and that I am able to find a review company that wants to use my blog.  I want to comment more on other blogs. I use google reader, so a lot of times I just read the post, but don't always comment. Most of all, I just hope that my reviews are informative and someone out there is enjoying them!

I look forward to next year! Happy Blogging!

My BBAW Giveaway HERE
Come see me on Twitter HERE


Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

I'm like you--do a lot of reading on Google Reader and don't always have a chance to click over and comment. Glad you had such a fun week!!

Sherry said...

Please consider this comment your invitation to finish up your BBAW week by adding a link to any reviews you've managed to post this week to the Saturday Review of Books at Semicolon this Saturday. Every week book bloggers from all over the blogosphere post links to their reviews and other bloggers and readers check out the reviews and find even more books to add to their wishlists.

Thanks for blogging and reading and sharing.

Tribute Books said...

Thanks! for blogging.