Monday, September 6, 2010

How to Buy A Love of Reading by Tanya Egan Gibson

How to Buy a Love of Reading: A Novel

Publication date: July 27th 2010
Pages: 392
My Rating: 

Summary (Goodreads):
Asked to name her favorite book, sixteen-year-old Carley Wells answers, "never met one I liked." Her parents are horrified and decide to commission a book to be written just for her. They will be the Medicis of Long Island and buy their daughter The Love of Reading. At first, Carley's sole interest in the project is to distract Hunter, the young bibliophile she adores. But as Hunter's behavior becomes increasingly erratic, Carley begins to understand the importance of stories-and how they are powerful enough to destroy a person. Or save her. 

My Thoughts:
When I saw this on the Crazy For Books Tour site, it sounded very interesting.  I thought, especially because I love reading, this should be a fun book. I have yet to write a bad review and if I hadn't agreed to review this book, then I probably wouldn't write a review. I usually don't for the bad books, well because I know someone worked hard on this book. I know the author is proud of their work and well frankly, I feel bad writing something that says I don't like the book.

With that said, I sat down with this book. From the beginning I found myself having a hard time getting interested.  I had a hard time following this book and the characters lacked anything interesting to me. I was bored frankly. I read until about 150 pages in and then decided to read the last two chapters to see what ended up happening. I don't feel like I missed all too much by skipping ahead.  Carly was the main character and she bored me. Maybe that was the authors intention and maybe at the end of the  book she got interesting. I just felt like, if I was almost halfway through and nothing interesting was happening, that I just didn't see it getting better. The teenagers in this book were drinkers and drug users and all had parents who were to busy in there own affairs to worry about the kids.

So, this was my first bad review posted. If you have read this book, let me know what you thought. I am very interested in the opinions of others, especially with this book. I want to know if it was just me and if I just didn't get the book.

Be sure to check out Crazy Book Tours where you get the opportunity to review ARC or recently released books and then pass them on.

Crazy Book Tours


Teresa said...

I'm reading one right now that I'm having trouble getting into. It happens. I haven't read this one so I can't compare notes. I'm sorry that you were disappointed.

Anonymous said...

I decided to go ahead and buy it since it is only 1.44, I'll let you know what I think. One question, was this published as adult fiction or was this published as YA?...amc

ok said...

Definitely not alone. Once I posted my review, I read some reviews on Amazon, and they were pretty mixed. Some loved it, some hated it, for the reasons we both mentioned.

Anonymous said...

Well you were right. After a few chapters I wasn't thrilled. Glad I only spent 1.44 on it.