Today I have Cassandra Carr on for a chat. Have you read her newest yet, Caught? You really should. Its a fun holiday BDSM that will leave you panting!
Behind the scenes of a sex scene
by Cassandra Carr
Quick poll: how many times have you read a sex scene and thought to yourself, “Yes, please! I’d like to order me one o’ those!” Did you ever stop to think about how that scene came to be. Why was it placed in that location in the book? How did the author decide what to have our intrepid hero and heroine do?
Well, lucky for you, I’m here to answer some of those questions!
So first – how does an author know where to place a sex scene? For me, this is surprisingly organic. I’m not a plotter – I don’t have billboards full of index cards or a complicated scene spreadsheet. My characters have sex when it makes sense for them to have sex. Whether that’s early in the book, early in the day – whatever – as long as it works for the story, I go with it.
All right, so I’ve decided my characters should get busy. What should they do? Well, that depends on what type of romance you write. A women’s fiction book will probably gloss over details and make the scene itself short, whereas an erotic romance will likely have plentiful, graphic, detailed sex scenes. Sex scenes in books like that have to be different from each other or the reader is going to get bored. Insert Tab A into Slot B just doesn’t cut it anymore. Readers expect interesting, inventive sex and if you don’t have it your book will be hurled across the room. Trust me, no author wants that…
What do you feel are the components of a truly exceptional sex scene?
About The Author:
Cassandra Carr is a multi-published erotic romance writer who lives in Western New York with her husband, Inspiration, and her daughter, Too Cute for Words. When not writing she enjoys watching hockey and hanging out on Twitter. Her debut novel, Talk to Me, was released by Loose Id on March 22, 2011. Head Games, Buffalo Intimidators book 1, released on November 2, 2011 from Siren Bookstrand. Caught released December 6, 2011 from Loose Id, and Impact is coming in early 2012 from Ellora's Cave. For more information about Cassandra, check out her website at, "like" her Facebook fan page at or follow her on Twitter at
Be sure to click the read more to get a look at chapter 1 of Cassandra's novella, Caught.