Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Interview & Giveaway: J.M. Powers: Basket OF Hope

**Comment for your chance to win a copy of this e-book.**

Welcome to Beck’s Book Picks. I am very excited to have you here today.

Tell us a little about yourself?
I’m multi-faceted, but boring. Ha. I’m a homebody. My family is everything to me. My vices are, coffee, chocolate and writing. Hm... what else can I tell you? Well, I am a faithful friend, and fantastic secret-keeper. I’m unwavering when it comes to standing up for the underdog. Okay, I’m starting to feel weird talking about myself like I want a medal or something. *takes sip of coffee and pops a couple of m&m’s* Let’s move on. *grin*

How long have you been writing and when was your first book published?
I’ve written since I could hold a fat pencil in my hand—before I could spell really.( I was a phonic speller for a while—then I started asking my parents to help.)
An online writer community and Breathless Press collaborated and held an international contest. I won—much to my surprise and glee. My first book , Stellar Surprise, was published with Breathless Press in 2009. The rest is history.
Basket of Hope is my second publication with Breathless Press,  and I have another book coming out this year with another publisher.

What genre do you prefer to write? Can we expect any other genres from you?
My great love is historical romance, namely medieval era. I also have other romances sub genres  in progress... contemporary, paranormal, and whatever else my muse decides to delve into. I’m also working on a non-fiction book about my son’s journey through autism. To add to that, I’m also working on a few children’s stories. I used to make up fairy-tales when my kids were young, and my teen daughter encouraged me to actually write them down.

Tell us a little about your release Basket of Hope from Breathless Press.
My latest release, Basket of Hope, is a paranormal romance. Kara, a scullery maid is in love Machias. Problem is, Machias is of royal blood and she’s ... well a servant. In her eyes, she has nothing to offer.
Encroaching evil shall have its way if a marriage filled with true love and pure magic does not take place. Machias must choose a witch, something Kara never hopes to be.
Machias’ father will do anything to ensure his son chooses wisely—lies, beatings and even an attempt to soil Kara’s innocence is not past the man.
The marriage announcement promises to burn Kara’s hope to cinders...unless something magical happens at the All Hallows Eve ball.

Basket of Hope LInks:

What are you currently working on?
I just finished final edits on a full-length novel with a publisher. It’s a medieval romance, Jewel of Ramstone. It should be out later this year. I always have updates on my blog, but here is a bit to entice: Jewel of Ramstone is about a maiden without a past, and a very shaky future. Though she has no memory, she certainly does not let that stop her from starting a new life... until her past slams into her when she least expects it.

Do you have any writing quirks?
Does doing finger exercises count?

What gets you into the mood to write?
Oh, there’s a mood? Well, if so, I must always be in it—I’m always doing one of two things:
  1. Dreaming up ideas, dialogue, or characters.
  2. Writing down the above.

Favorite snack or drink while you write?
Coffee & chocolate. Healthy huh?
Oh, and sometimes a blow pop, because I can eat that, leaving my hands free to type.

Any words of advice to aspiring authors?
Write everyday, learn the craft, join a writers group or enlist a few critique partners, and never let anyone destroy your belief in yourself. Be prepared for rejections and keep sending out those queries You will get there if you never give up.

What are you currently reading?
Game  of thrones series of books by George R. R. Martin. (I really need to find out what’s with the double initials. Things like that intrigue me.)

And finally, is there anything you would like to share?
Yes, first and foremost, I have a blog. I share my road to publication, leaving bits of what I have learned along the way, querying, book trailer pointers, rejections and successes, updates on my publications—lots of stuff. I love followers. *wink*

Here are several places I hang out:

And links you can visit to read reviews, purchase or simply check out the book trailer for my latest release.
Basket of Hope:

Thanks for having me! I will give away one free pdf copy of Basket of Hope to a lucky commenter.


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