I am only a few days away from my 1 year blog anniversary. Wow, I can't believe I have been doing this almost a year already. Its just amazing. I look back at my first reviews and they were horrible. I like to think I am grown since then. The book community is amazing and I love being a part of it. I am coming out of a book slump. I have thought about why I was in this slump and what I need to get back to enjoying this hobby.
So, I am curious, how long have you been blogging?
I have seen a lot of book bloggers say good bye lately. I was almost there. The slump really hits and it isn't easy to come out of. I will never quit reading, I love it. I think reviews get overwhelming. I have decided to take on reviews like a job and limit the amount a month. I did have a limit of 5 but have decided to lower it to 3. I have been reading less and reviews are just taking up my reading time.
So, why do you think some bloggers call it quits? Will you ever?
What do you do to keep this fun?
One year of blogging, what a great achievement.
I myself have been blogging less than a year. I think many bloggers call it quits because it is no longer fun. With getting free books come deadlines, pressure, unfulfilled promises and more.
I make it a point to read several books I want to read every month. That keeps my motivation up.
I am over a year now and there are times of slumps. The best thing to do is take a break and hopefully come back fresher and more excited about your blog. I hope to keep going. :O)
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