Thursday, January 6, 2011

My New Monthly Meme: Pass It Forward

Introducing....Pass It Forward!! There is a button at the bottom of this post.

So, what is Pass It Forward? Basically, the first Monday of the month (this month will the second since it is just starting).

  • You will choose a book you own and you want to pass it on to someone else. Basically, its a giveaway! There will be a linky so you can add your blog and have the chance to check out all the others.
  • Please write a slight review to the book or link up your older review if you have one.
  • The giveaway will run for at least one week. I am leaving it up to you on how long you want. 
  • Write your blog name in the book if  you choose, so as the book gets passed on, others will see where the book came from.
  • Take as long as you need with a book you win. You are not required to list the book the next month. I do ask that you will eventually re list the book in the Pass It Forward Meme.
  • Join up anytime during the month. 
  • Please list the button with your post so others can find their way back to the meme.
  • You are not required to do this meme every month, just when you want. You are also not required to list a book in order to enter the giveaways.
  • List giveaways however you choose, extra entries, followers, google docs. Anything is fine, this is your giveaway.
Hopefully that covers it. Most of all, have fun and I hope you get some great book. Come back on Monday January 10th for the first Pass It Forward!



Laura Kozy Lanik said...

I love this idea and am definitely taking part. Now I have to think of a book to pass on.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I'm working on a book to post. I love this idea.

I'm a new follower!