Monday, December 27, 2010

Control Freak: Brandon's Story by Reena Jacobs

This story is for readers 18 and older
Control Freak: Brandon's Story

Publications date: September 25th, 2010
Format: E-book
Genre: Short Erotica Novella
My Rating:

My Thoughts: Quick, to the point, and a fun read. This story was in Brandon's point of view. He is like any other guy, will take sex when he can, however Regina his wife loves it and always wants it. She has a demand from Brandon and has decided to with hold sex until he does this for her. Its a story where we see how long until Brandon gives into her wants that he isn't quite sure he is into. As I stated above, this book is about a 10-15 minute read. Its very short. I look forward to the second book in this series, Regina's story. Mainly because there was one demand in this book at the beginning that didn't get touched on again (she requests for him to read the book she wrote but it never gets touched on again), so I am curious on her thoughts of this in her story. I would also like to just get into her head a little more, she was a very unique character in Brandon's story.

**Note from Author: To Rebecca's readers. :) As mentioned, this is a short read. If you're looking for something quick and dirty, you're welcomed to try Control Freak for free at Smashwords ( Please use the coupon code GQ84L which is good until January 3, 2011.

**I received this book from the author in return for an honest review.**


Reena Jacobs said...

Rebecca, thanks for the wonderful review. I'm glad you enjoyed Brandon's Story. I'm in the process of taming Regina. She's a demanding and difficult gal.

To Rebecca's readers. :) As mentioned, this is a short read. If you're looking for something quick and dirty, you're welcomed to try Control Freak for free at Smashwords ( Please use the coupon code GQ84L which is good until January 3, 2011.

Control Freak is also available at Amazon:

Happy Readings!
Reena :)

Wolfe said...

thanks Reena for stopping by!

Reena Jacobs said...

Definitely, my pleasure. :)