Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Simply Irresistible Winners

Once again, thanks for much to Forever Romance for this awesome opportunity to review and host a giveaway for this book. Thank you to everyone who entered!

The winners were picked with random.org. I no longer have the snipping tool, but I am looking for something so in the future I can verify the winners to you on the blog again.

The Winners Are:

Renee Streetman
Gina ~ Hott Books
Rebeca Barnet
Mary Wilkerson
Joann Downie

I am going to email you and you have 48 hours to let me know you want this book still/ provide address if needed. Thanks again to all who entered!


Unknown said...

You are so cool! Thanks so very much!!

Paws said...

Woo hoo!
Thank you thank you thank you!

Joann said...

I am soooo Happy, thank you so much!!