Tuesday, September 14, 2010

BBAW Interview Swap

 I am so excited to have this opportunity to chat with Grace. I love her blog and its always nice meeting a fellow blogger with similar reading tastes. Go check her out at Books Like Breathing. Be sure to keep up with her, as she is working on moving from wordpress to blogger shortly. So, onto the interview. I hope you enjoy getting to know her as much as I did.

  1. Why did you start blogging about books? I started blogging because I was losing track of what I had and had not read which means I ended up rereading books for no reason at all. I remember reading a book I had hated on a previous read (It was Angels and Demons yuck) and thinking “Oh, it’s this again.” Then I came across a book blog (I think it was J. Kaye’s Book Blog) and figured that writing it down would help me remember. I never thought anyone would care about my opinion. I was just a library school student at the time but once I started, I couldn’t stop.
  2. What do you enjoy most about book blogging? I love everything about it. The people, the books, the discussions. It’s the only community I have ever come across that like the same things I do. I also like going into a book store and knowing exactly what I want. I used to spend hours browsing but now that I know so much in advance, I am just in and out…with more books than before but that’s to be expected.
  3. Do you ever feel overwhelmed with books you need to review, versus your TBR pile? Yes! I don’t really differentiate between my TBR and my review pile. It’s all in one pile that seems to never end and constantly overwhelms me. But it is a good problem to have.
  4. How many books are currently on your TBR pile? I’m not even sure. I think my personal TBR stands at around 20 books right now and my review pile is not much smaller but more transient at about 15 books.
  5. If you had to pick 5 characters to invite to a party to have with only them, who would you invite? That’s such a difficult yet easy question.
1.      Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy-They count as one character because you can’t have one without the other. I would love to sit at the table and watch them bicker and be sweet with each other.
2.      Anne Shirley-I love her. There is no way I would ever have a fictional dinner party and not invite Anne. She would end up getting into some trouble or saying something that would make everyone laugh and love her more.
3.      Eric Northman-He would just be fun to have around, wouldn’t he? Besides every party needs decorations, right? He can be the decoration. Why waste money on flowers?
4.      Severus Snape-I would say stupid things just so he would call me a dunderhead. He also seems like he would be really good with the conversation.
5.      Mrs. Bennet- Just so I could see Severus try to poison her with a stealthy potion, Mr. Darcy look frightened for his future and Eric either try to fashion a faux sunlight induced death out of a lamp and a candle or charm her into shutting up.
  1. Top 5 best books you have read?
1.      Pride and Prejudice-Nothing can replace this book as my favorite. Nothing.
2.      An Old Fashioned Girl-It’s Louisa May Alcott’s second best book. Sometimes I love it more than Little Women.
3.      A Soldier’s Daughter Never Cries and Lies My Mother Never Told Me by Kaylie Jones-I picked both of them because you can’t read one book without the other.
4.      Anne of Green Gables-The first time I read that book was almost a religious experience and the rest of the series was perfect.
5.      Gone With the Wind-I haven’t read it in a long time but I love it. Rhett Butler may have been my first real literary love.
  1. How do you keep track of books you have read? I use a program called BookTome to keep track of my library. It does everything. It keeps a record of how many books you have read, what’s on your wishlist and how much your library is worth. I mainly use LibraryThing as my online mirror.
  2. What advice would you give a new book blogger?   Get on Twitter immediately. It is one of the most useful tools and really helps you feel as if you are part of the community. Also, pick a focus right away. When I started, I reviewed everything and it got a bit crazy. Now I limit myself to romance and YA unless the book really interests me. It really cuts down the reading load and gives your blog a more focused appeal.
  3. Why the switch from wordpress to blogger?Ugh…many reasons…Wordpress is so limited! I like creative freedom and I didn’t have that with a free Wordpress account. I wanted a custom theme, javascript widgets and the ability to fix the css. So I switched. You can find me soon at Books Like Breathing. I am aiming to get it completely done before BBAW but you never know.
  4. Proust!
coffee or tea: In the morning I prefer coffee. All other times tea.
music on while reading or off:  Definitely off. I hate noise when I am reading.
favorite color: Brown.
sweet or salty: Sweet. Unless it’s my Salted Caramel Cupcakes, then both. But really I prefer spicy.
vampires or werewolves: Vampires. But I will never say no to a broody werewolf.

Be sure to check out my giveaway for this week only. CLICK HERE

See My Interview with Book Like Breathing HERE


Melissa (i swim for oceans) said...

This is SUCH a fun interview! I loved your questions, and I'm so checking out the blog :)

Valerie said...

Interesting interview -- I don't think I could limit my blog to discussing one or two genres, though. I do wish I had joined twitter earlier in my book blogging, definitely agree with that piece of advice!