Monday, July 19, 2010

Review---Fools Rush In

Fools Rush In

Look at this adorable cover. You just wanna fall  in love with the novel. However, if you read two posts down, i wrote about a book with disappointment. I am sorry to say it was this one!

Quick Summary:
Millie Barnes has always been kind of a stalker. She knows everything about Joe Carpenter. She has had a crush on him since high school. Now when she returns to the Cape after going away to become a doctor, she still has her sights set on Joe.  Only before long, and spending so much time with her ex brother in law, Sam Nickerson, she starts to find herself attracted to him too.

What i thought:
Ok, it was a bit childish to me. That is where i had a hard time with this book. We had a grown 29 year old woman who still acted like she was in middle school and had a crush on someone. I found it to be a little unrealistic. I felt like the main character Millie having gone to med school and everything had no idea how the real world worked. She just seemed like she needed to be smacked and told to grow up.

I wanted to love this book, and it was a cute story. A little too unbelievable in some ways. Once i got past the childish ways i felt the main character acted, i liked it.

I do want to read something else by the author, Kristan Higgins. She has excellent writing skills. I think i just picked a book that wasn't for me. So, hopefully the next time i get my hands on one, I will have a better review to post.

My Rating:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi. Thanks for stopping at my blog! I'm a Kristin Higgins fan but I've only read her most recent books. The one I liked the most is Too Good To Be True. Has an adorable Westie on the cover :)
I'll add your blog address to my reader!