Wednesday, June 30, 2010

google reader help...anyone?

i like to read my  blogs that i follow through google reader. I have two bloggers and mom bloggers. Anywho...i went crazy at one time subscribing like crazy to blogs and i am trying to weed through and clean up my feed. For days now i keep deleting the same blogs from the blogger dashboard and the google read. I click unsubscribe. I can't find a place anywhere that says save. do i get the blogs i no longer wish i read out of my feed?



Unknown said...

When I want to unsubscribe from something in Reader I go to one of the posts, click on the blog title, that takes me to a page of just that blog's posts. At the top of the screen there is a block called feed settings, if you click on is there is an item for 'unsubscribe'.
To unfollow a blog in the dashboard I clcik on manage at the bottom of the page. then i select settings next to the blog I want to unfollow. that gives a pop-up window. to the right side of that window is a link that says 'stop following this site'. It will also have a pop-up asking if you are sure.

In some cases you may have to unfollow in both reader & the dashboard because they may be duplicates.

Good luck & let me know if you have more questions.


Kathy Martin said...

I recently had the same problem. I wanted to get a blog out of my Google Reader and unsubscribed but it kept coming back. I had to go to my blog dashboard and unfollow it there. Problem solved.

WonderBunny said...

I unfollow through my blogger dashboard.